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Warrior Academy, why you should enroll your child today?

Are you a parent?

Have you been struggling with your child’s behavior? Not being able to focus, low self confidence, full of energy. If this is you read on….

I discovered Warrior Academy when my son was 4 yrs old (check here). It was a huge transition as he moved from early years /foundation stage to Key Stage. I was quiet worried of how he would cope with being the youngest in his class. Today, looking back, I can’t begin to imagine what he would be like without Warrior Academy!

Warrior Academy is not just regular martial arts it’s so much more. It develops a child character through the 3Cs incorporated each step that’s confidence, character and concentration.

It begins with a trial to check if martial arts is something your child enjoys. Your child has to earn his uniform through a uniform test which involves them completing simple task consistently everyday for a week. Once they have completed it at home they earn their uniform. This itself creates a strong base.

My son trained with other kids and was keen on becoming like them. Each stripe earned got him excited for the next one. A character development book is used to plan rewards for each stripe earned usual simple ones like movie as a family, game night works for us.

The gentle encouraging method used by the instructors allows each child to develop at their own pace. My son struggled through the fitness stripe of being able to do 10 push ups, 10sec planks and 10 sit ups. After 2 months he was able to achieve the requirement. This in itself was a huge win! Children are encouraged to start a gratitude jar to focus and be thankful for all the little things.

You even have an option of learning as a family. In the family class you can join your child to learn together. This is such a great way to bond and progress together while learning very important techniques.

Having a positive community with parents having similar goals makes a huge difference. Warrior Academy’s founder Sebastian Bates has taken this further by sharing his personal experiences with getting bullied at such a young age and the important role that martial arts has played in getting him to where he is today. He has co-authored ‘Not a Victim’ with Menno Siebingaas well as conducts workshop and has a podcast for parents.

Eager to book your Introductory Experience use discount code AMANDA link here

Here’s a glimpse into the progress my son has made over the last 4 years. He is now 8yrs old, Red tag belt.

When we just started to where we are now.

Warrior Academy first ever sparring competition.

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